Anxiety and Depression - Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

Anxiety and Depression may have some similar symptoms
Anxiety and depression can occur at the same time. Although each condition has its own causes.
Photo by Fernando @cferdo on Unsplash

Myth and Stigma of Anxiety, Depression and Other Mental Illness

Stigma is when people around view us in a negative way because we may have distinguishing characteristic or personal trait that is thought to be or actually is, a disadvantage. Most unfortunately negative attitudes and beliefs toward people who have mental health condition are common.

Stigma can lead to discrimination. Discrimination may be obvious and direct, such as someone making a negative remark about our mental health or on our treatment. Or it may be unintentional or subtle, for example someone is avoiding us because the person assumes we could be unstable, violent or dangerous due to our mental illness.     

There are numerous myths about depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses that are very prevalent in our society. Beliefs that mental illness is a sign of weakness, is untreatable, and can be conquered through sheer willpower prevent people from seeking treatment. Beliefs that mental illness is simply a result of bad parenting, a chemical imbalance, an improper diet, or not having found religion lead people to seek unhelpful - and sometimes harmful treatments. Beliefs that mental illness is a sign of de-valence, is associated with violence and renders people incapable of healthy relationships lead people avoid those who are struggling.

With such myths and stigma rampant in society, it is important that we educate ourselves on truth about mental illness, so that we are not making decision on them and further perpetuating them.     

Overview - Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression can occur at the same time. Although each condition has its own causes. They are like flip sides of same coin. Nancy B Irwin PsyD says

Being depressed often makes us anxious, and anxiety often makes us depressed.

The following symptoms of  Anxiety and Depression are commonly seen and overlap such as

  • Difficulties in sleep or sleeping problem
  • Concentration deficiency
  • Irritability

But there are several key factors that distinguish Anxiety and Depression.

What is Anxiety ?

The American Psychological Association defines Anxiety as

an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure
People with Anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have some physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness, or a rapid heartbeat,      

While Anxiety can cause distress, it is not always a medical condition.

When an individual faces potentially harmful or worrying triggers, feelings of anxiety are not only normal but necessary for survival.
Since the earliest days of humanity, the approach of predators and incoming danger sets off alarms in the body and allows evasive action. These alarms become noticeable in the form of  a raised heartbeat, sweating, and increased sensitivity to surroundings.

These increased sensitivity causes production of significant quantities of chemicals which are known as stress hormones namely cortisol, adrenaline, and non-adrenaline. The obvious fall out of these reactions are increased heart rate, heightened muscle preparedness, high blood pressure, sweating and preparedness. These physical changes alert us either to take the event forward or withdraw from it, which is known as "flight or fight" response.       

In today's demanding world, we tend to get stressed out frequently, anxieties now revolve around work, study, money, lifestyle, family life, health and other crucial issues that demand our attention without necessarily requiring the flight-or-fight reactions.

The nervous feeling can easily creep on us easily before an important life event or during a difficult situation and it is a natural reaction. It can still be essential for survival. Normal anxiety is an emotion that we all get when we're in stressful situations.

Anxiety Disorder 

However the duration or severity of an anxious feeling can sometimes be out of proportion to the original trigger or stressor. Physical symptoms like increased blood pressure and nausea, may also develop.These responses move beyond anxiety into an anxiety disorder.

The American Psychological Association describes a person with anxiety disorder as

having recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns.

Once anxiety reaches to a level of a disorder it can interfere and create hurdles in daily activities and life. 

In her TED talk Olivia Remes talked about Anxiety, various Anxiety Disorders and how to cope with Anxiety. Here is the link .  

Physical symptoms and behavioral changes caused by generalized anxiety disorders are :

  • Fatigues
  • Concentration deficiency and memory failures
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Increased pulse rate
  • Grinding teeth
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia and falling asleep 

Emotional Symptoms are

  • Irritability
  • Uncontrollable fear and worry
  • Dread feeling
  • Panic

What is Depression ? 

WHO - World Health Organization defines Depression as

Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks.
In addition, people with depression normally have several of the following: a loss of energy; a change in appetite; sleeping more or less; anxiety; reduced concentration; indecisiveness; restlessness; feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or hopelessness; and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Depression is treatable, with talking therapies or antidepressant medication or a combination of these.
If the symptoms stay for at-least two weeks then an individual may be diagnosed with depression. 

Some forms of depression are slightly different or they may develop under unique circumstances. Those are :

  • Dysthymia or Persistent Depressive Disorder - It's a major depression, symptoms last for more than two years
  • Postpartum Depression - Some women experience various syndromes of anxiety and depression prior to, during and post delivery. The feelings of extreme sadness, exhaustion that accompany postpartum may cause serious health problem for both mother and baby.
  • Psychotic Depression - It occurs when an individual has major depression along with some forms with psychosis such as hallucinations, delusions, feeling of poverty, guilt or illness.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder - When some depressive syndromes become evident with the season fro example winter and pass away with the arrival of following season. It is very typical in nature.
  • Bipolar disorder - It is severe and different form of depression. An individual can experience episodes of extremely low mood that are very similar to major depression then it is called bipolar depression. A person with a bipolar disorder experiences extreme high-euphoric and irritable moods called mania or a less severe called hypomania.
Some more types are added in DSM-5 such as disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (diagnosed in children and adolescents) and PMDD - premenstrual dysphoric disorder.      

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Women are more likely than men to experience depression.
  Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

Symptoms of Depression

According to American Psychiatric Association  depression symptoms may vary from mild to severe and can include :

  • Feeling Sad or having a depressed mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite - weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting 
  • Sleeping trouble or excessive sleeping
  • Fatigue and loss of energy
  • Increase purposeless physical activities or viable slowed movements and talking  
  • Feeling hopelessness or worthlessness or guilty
  • Difficulty in concentration, thinking or making decision
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
Aches or pains, headache, cramps or digestive problems - persistent without physical cause

Apart from above some medical conditions such as thyroid problems, vitamin deficiency, brain tumors etc may trigger depressive symptoms.

Depression affects approximately 1 in 15 adults i.e 6.7% in any time across the world. Affected teens are slightly higher. Women are more likely than men to experience depression. Some studies show that one third of women experience a major episode of depression in their lifetime.

Not every one with depression experiences all the symptoms. It varies person to person.  
Depression and anxiety put together is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. 

Causes of Anxiety and Depression

The causes of Anxiety and depression are complicated. Any cause may occur once, few cases may occur simultaneously, one cause may trigger other causes and more importantly it varies person to person. It may be common for some cases or sometimes it is unique.

Possible causes include :

  • environmental stressors such as difficulties in studies, at workplaces , relationship problems, family issues.
  • genetics
  • medical factors such as a symptom of different disease, side effect of medication or the stress related to prolonged illness
  • brain chemistry - misalignment of hormones and /or electrical signals of brain.
  • substance withdrawal

Self-help Test

Few self help tests are available online which may be useful to identify signs. We know what is normal for us. If we find ourselves experiencing feelings and behaviors that are not typical. or if something seems off, these might be a sign we need to seek help from experts. It is always better that we are open with our feelings and behaviors in front of healthcare providers, so that symptoms are properly diagnosed and treatment can start as early as possible.

However online self-diagnosis are helpful to understand what may be happening but the results are not a replacement of a professional diagnosis from our doctors. There are several conditions that may be impacting our conditions, a profession health care provider may be the best option to consider.

The listed sights provide self-help diagnosis of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety Test
Depression Test
Depression and Anxiety Test 

Risk Factor - 

Teens across the world are increasingly facing anxiety, depression and taking suicide as a remedy for their distress. Problem is, most of the cases we cannot judge a person, who is thinking to commit suicide unless the person has a history of failed attempt(s) of the same.

No Stigma - let us take it forward to a frank discussion

If you have ever considered committing suicide or have attempted suicide , you are certainly not alone. It is also amazing, that strong and even famous people ( think of Anthony Bourdain ) have done the same. But the question is how can you seek help for your suicidal thoughts, while avoiding the label of having 'mental health problems , that could follow you around the rest of your life ?

You may be feeling this way, taking your life can seem like the best way to rescue yourself  from an overwhelming emotional storm.

May be you are experiencing unbearable health conditions, burden of financial debts, very bad relationship issues, or someone giving you enormous trouble that you feel that you can't bear it anymore, you may be feeling some supernatural forces working around you, fearing you won't have a meaningful life, everything is closed for ever, you are unable to sleep for months after months, possibly you are wondering another day alive have no meaning.

Depression leads to suicidal thoughts
fearing you won't have a meaningful life, everything is closed for ever, you are unable to sleep month after month 

Perhaps you have been to therapists, treatment centers, spiritual gurus and still can't get out of your destructive thinking patterns. You might feel the same or even worse from focusing on your problems, which feeds them with energy and makes them even bigger. You are feeling that you are exhausted.

Yet even at your darkest moments, you don't want to be a burden to your parents, relatives, friends who love you by telling them about your suicidal thoughts.

You would hate to cause them to worry, support you financially when you can't work or sign or feel like failures for not knowing how to help.

You may have been told or understood somehow that these are signs of a mental health problem, but what if it's really just your emotional baggage that's holding you hostage ?

Think about it, my dear. Your subconscious mind's most important job is your survival. To protect you by warning you about danger what we might call gut feelings, red flags and intuitive messages. And in order to do so, it has to determine what threats to your survival look and feel like. so it relies on its past experience.

Your subconscious stores every experience you have ever had in both your present and past lives plus all the emotions wrapped around them. It stores the emotional experiences of your ancestors too, since they're part of your DNA. That's a lot of lifetimes of emotions to be carrying around !

Whether it's anger, fear, sadness, joy, love or happiness, these stored emotions have a snowball effect, get bigger each time you feel them. The positive emotions are great, it's the negative ones that destroy your confidence. and cause problems. You need the lesson learned from negative experiences not the baggage.

How to free yourself from anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts ?

Take two or three deep breath slowly and imagine something that upset you recently, how much emotion you felt about it. How could it had been different if you only experienced half or part of that emotion ?  Wouldn't that  be easier to handle ?

Of-course that would be easy! That is how you deserve to live your life.

You can, if you heal your subconscious mind and release all that pent-up emotional baggage you've been carrying around with the help of an expert healer.

And most importantly it does not take years, months or weeks to release the negative emotional snowballs that cause your suicidal thoughts. It just take few hours and can even be done over telephonic conversation - no mental health stigmas attached.

Rest assured, there is no need to know where the emotions originated (or believe in past lives) to release them. Your subconscious mind has all of that information and will take you exactly where you need to go to heal them up.

Nature have provided us tools that help us to release our emotional baggage, crying, laughing, singing and talking.

Just talk, speak out, tell your problems to someone close to you. You will feel immediate relief. If you are unable to talk then sing your favorite songs - if it is not possible then listen to good music. Here is one of them.

Anxiety and Depression - Self Help

In some cases, an individual can treat anxiety and depression disorders at home without clinical supervision. However this may not be effective for extreme cases and it is also to be taken into  consideration that the willingness of the individual is positive.

There are several exercises and techniques that are available to cope with anxiety and depression. Some of them are :

Stress Management

Learning to manage Stress can help to limit potential triggers. In today's world stressful events are inevitable and we cannot avoid those events but certainly we can practice to look at them differently and make ourselves ready to fight diligently without harming our physical and mental health. A complete guide is available here > Stress: Facts, Causes and Remedies

Relaxation Technique 

Relaxation techniques can improve your quality of life and may reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Find an activity that feels right for you and you can practice regularly, such as:

  • yoga
  • meditation
  • breathing exercises or pranayam
  • long bath
  • swimming
  • walking in nature
  • music
  • massage

Lifestyle Management

  • good food-habit
  • habit to take early bed
  • controlling time on Mobile Phones, TV, Computers
  • Reading good books - It's a great way to relax. There’s even research that shows that reading books on spirituality or psychology may boost your mood. A book for example Autobiography of a Yogi - you can get online link here > Paramhansa Yogananda - A Oneness of Silence
An active lifestyle with a balanced diet can help keep anxious emotions and depression within healthy limits.

Support Network

Talk with known people who are supportive. Support group services may also be available in the locality and online.
Vandrevala Foundation - trained counselors are qualified and are available day and night online


A standard way of treating anxiety, depression is psychological counseling. This may be cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) , psychotherapy or a combination of therapies.


My favorite is Public Confession Therapy which was developed by Oprah Winfrey, sometimes it is also known as Oprahfication.

When we do something wrong or something wrong had happened to us, make a significant impact in our subconscious space. In these types of situation there are two typical reactions that pull in opposite directions.

On the one hand, we might want to hide what we have done or done on us  If nobody finds out, then it may feel like we didn’t do it at all or not happened to us at all - which in turn we burden our subconscious mind .

On the other hand, we might just want to confess what we have done wrong or done by others on us. That gets the problem out into the open and helps people to move forward - which does the opposite of the above, means we are able to unload our subconscious burden and feel free.  

This is what Oprah does in her shows, helping her guests to unlid the vapor from the subconscious container. The viewers also make themselves acquainted with the guests as if they are also releasing their pain mentally may be to the Universe.

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Sleep Paralysis - Can't Sleep, Can't move

When mind wakes up but body is still asleep can be a frightening experience for some - Image Credit (

Henry Fuseli's "The Nightmare" may have been inspired by the chest-crushing sensation and hallucinations of sleep paralysis.: Henry Fuseli (1781))

Overview - Sleep Paralysis  

A person is aware but unable to move or speak during waking up or falling asleep, then it may be regarded as Sleep Paralysis, During an occurrence, one may hallucinate like hear, see, feel unreal things. Generally it may last maximum for a couple of minute. It may occur as a single episode or be recurrent.

Annie Fung in 2013 at Mono No Aware Workshop presented a beautiful 2:53 minutes short film which describes Sleep Paralysis.

A Real Life Story

Zenab, 30, is a trainer and teacher, who experienced sleep paralysis. She faced  temporary inability to move or speak that occurs when she was waking up and falling asleep. It had not harmed her much but some episodes were frightening. In her words

The elders in my family advised me to visit a spiritual healer and I did everything anyone endorsed. I wanted to cure myself of this phenomenon which was making me afraid, vulnerable and powerless.

Zenab went to her general physician who recommended consultation with a neurologist. Fortunately he finally dispelled all notions about djinn and supernatural elements at play.

According to the neurologist, I was suffering from sleep paralysis and I was instantly relieved to hear that. I wasn't going crazy. I wasn't possessed and it wasn't a breakdown 

recalls Zenab sharing how the thoughts of what the problem might be had been tormenting her earlier.

This is an example of how a clear diagnosis can help relieve a patient and normalize a potentially frightening and puzzling experience. 

Zenab says,

As a society we tend to hastily attribute undiagnosed or unexplained occurrences to the supernatural.

The doctor prescribed a relaxant and it helped me fall asleep. But even when I slept it wasn't deep, satisfying sleep. I would wake up feeling unrested. However with time, the sleep paralysis episode became fewer.

Sleep Paralysis is inability to move or speak at the time of falling asleep pr wking up
Representative Image  by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash

She shares how she had always relished her sleep. Being working woman and juggling her career with a joint family she would crave a soothing shut eye at bed time. but since her sleep disorder she had began to dread sleep.

It's harrowing when the body and mind stop coordinating. When the mind doesn't want to sleep yet the body is spent. That is when the mind plays a game with you. When the medicines did not help relax or feel rejuvenated. I began to research on the internet for remedies. 
Out of the innumerable antidotes she experimented with, one seemed to work for her. She
found on YouTube.

I began to massage my feet with olive oil.
The logic behind this therapy is that the soles of the feet end up being the most exhausted part of the body and if you relax them, sleep paralysis can be avoided.      

Then Zenab decided to alter her sleep schedule.

I used to be a night owl and would late into the night but I started going to bed early and tried to follow that schedule that I got six to seven hours of proper sleep. I also started eating a light dinner two hours before going to bed or just a lukewarm glass of milk.  

In hindsight, Zenab believes that the two years when she was plagued with episodes of sleep paralysis occurred in a phase of life when she had an exhaustive routine physically and was under great mental stress.

May be that is what triggered the attacks of sleep paralysis. My body was tired and yearned for sleep, yet, my mind was still agitated and refused to be silenced. 

She confesses,
I could see the signs of an impending paralysis attack if I was very tired and my shoulders and neck started to ache. 

She asserts,
One thing I have done personally is to stop worrying about tomorrow. I try to stay on top of my priority list rather than bend over backwards for others. I have started reading to relax myself and eating healthy

Take Away from Zenab's Story 

The weird phenomenon is known as sleep paralysis and some studies finds that understanding why it happens helps people feel less distressed after an episode. Believing that sleep paralysis is brought on by the super natural, on the other hand, makes people more unnerved.

Sleep paralysis occurs when the mind and body aren't quite on the same platform when it comes to sleep.     

Sleep Paralysis may be horrifying

Sleep Paralysis can be horrifying experience for the near half of the people who have had an episode. It's dark but the person feels for sure a presence in the room, hovering near her/his bed - or perhaps sitting on her/his chest, crushing the breath out of her/his.    

The condition may occur in those who are otherwise healthy or those with narcolepsy or it may run in families as a result of specific genetic conditions. The condition may be triggered by sleep deprivation, psychological stress or erratic sleep cycles. Some other causes could be intoxication, low serum potassium levels or even abrupt withdrawal from certain prescribed medications.   

The short film Shameless has touched sleep paralysis related to psychological stress. Watch here (duration 15:31 minutes)

Sleep specialists reveals that sleep paralysis happens when parts of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep occur while person is awake. The REM is a stage of sleep when the brain is very active and dreams often occur. Apart from the eyes and muscles in breathing, the body is unable to move, possibly to stop the person acting out her/his dreams and hurting herself/himself.  

Two types of sleep paralysis are normally referred

Hypnagogic Sleep Paralysis -  

When individual falls asleep, her/his body slowly relaxes. She/he usually becomes less aware and unable to notice any change. However she/he remains or becomes aware while falling asleep, she/he may notice that she/he cannot move or speak.

Hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis - 

During sleep individuals body alternate between REM and NREM (non Rapid Eye movement ) sleep. One cycle of REM and NREM sleep lasts about 90 minutes. NREM sleep occurs first and it takes about 75% of overall sleep time. During NREM sleep individuals  body relaxes and restores itself. At the end of NREM individuals sleep shifts to REM. Then her/his eyes move rapidly and dreams occur, but the rest of the body remains relaxed. Muscles are turned off during REM sleep. If she/he become aware before the REM cycle is finished, she/he may notice that she/he cannot move or speak.         

Treatment options for sleep paralysis have not very developed so far. For most of the cases, it is often recommended that people be assured that the condition is generally common and generally not serious. Other methods are popular and that may be tried include sleep hygiene, cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants.  

In their book Sleep Paralysis (co-authored by Brian A Sharpless  PhD is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director of the Psychology Clinic at Washington State University and  Karl Doghramji, MD is a Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University; a Medical Director at Jefferson Sleep Disorders Center; and Program Director at Fellowship in Sleep Medicine) talk about how good sleep is an indicator of good health.

Sharpless writes that approximately six to eight percent of total population of the world will experiences sleep paralysis during their lives. and the highest rate is found among students and young adults. However other studies show much higher rate between eight to fifty percent of people may experience sleep paralysis. Lack of empirical attention and limited data show that a minority of people experience repetitive episodes of sleep paralysis.

Sharpless explains that, in sleep paralysis, with the exception of the eyes, no other voluntary muscles can move. He records in detail how hallucinations are a part of a majority of sleep paralysis episodes in the form of an eerie presence or sensations.  

Even though, parasomnia activities such as sleep walking, sleep terrors and nightmare disorders are recognized, sleep paralysis boxed under 'parasomnia not otherwise specified'.

Sharpless also records how attributing into spiritual or demonic occurrences is understandable as sleep paralysis occurs usually at night and is accompanied by the feeling of cold presence and a weight upon the chest.
Although the term sleep paralysis was only coined two centuries ago, evidence of its existence dates to ancient Greece in the second and fifth centuries. Historical research reveals that sleep paralysis has a reference not just in psychology but also n folklore and mythology



Factors that are responsible for developing Sleep Paralysis

The common conditions is often first noticed in the teen years. But sleep paralysis is equally experienced in both males and females and can be developed at any age. Other than previously discussed the following factors that may be linked to sleep paralysis :

  • Insufficient of sleep
  • Frequent changes in sleep schedules
  • Mental Health conditions include stress, bipolar disorder, trauma etc.
  • Sleeping on the back (supine position)
  • Other sleep problems includes narcolepsy, leg cramps etc.
  • Effect of certain medications such as ADHD etc
  • Substance abuse    

Diagnosis and Classification

Sleep paralysis mainly diagnosed via clinical interview and ruling out other potential sleep disorders that could account for the feelings of paralysis. The main disorder that is checked for narcolepsy due to the high prevalence of narcolepsy in conjunction with sleep paralysis The availability of a genetic test for narcolepsy makes this an easy disorder to rule out. Several measure are available to reliably diagnose or screen (Munich Parasomnia Screening) for recurrent isolated sleep paralysis.

A person need to consult doctor if she/he has any of these concerns :

  • Anxious about the symptoms
  • Symptoms make the person very tired during the day.
  • Symptoms keep the person up during the night.

Before final diagnosis some additional measures are taken like

  • To identify the pattern of the symptoms - a sleep diary may be maintained
  • Health history, known sleep disorder, any family history of sleep disorder
  • Further evaluation by the sleep specialists
  • Conduct overnight sleep studies or daytime nap studies to make sure the person does not have other sleep disorder

Episodes of sleep paralysis can occur in the context of several medical conditions. When episodes occur independent of these conditions or substance use, it is termed isolated sleep paralysis (ISP). When ISP episodes are more frequent and cause clinically significant distress and interference, it is classified recurrent isolated sleep paralysis (RISP) .

Episodes of sleep paralysis, regardless of classification are generally short but longer episodes (more than 6 minutes) have been documented. With RISP the individual can also suffer back to back episodes of sleep paralysis in the same night, which is unlikely in individuals who suffer from ISP.



Differential Diagnosis

Similar conditions of sleep paralysis includes :

  • EHS - Exploding Head Syndrome
  • ND - Nightmare Disorder
  • STs - Sleep Terrors
  • NPAs - Noctural Panic Attacks
  • PTSD -  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Prevention and Cure

Many circumstances have been identified that are associated with an increased risk of sleep paralysis. It is also believed that there may be genetic component in the development of RISP, because there is high concurrent incidence of  sleep paralysis in monozygotic twins. Sleeping in the supine position has been found an especially prominent instigator of sleep paralysis.  

Sleeping in the supine position may trigger Sleep Paralysis
Supine Position - Image from
It is possible, sleeping in supine position, for the soft palate to collapse and obstruct the airway.

While many factors can increase the risk for ISP or RISP, they can be avoided with minor lifestyle changes. By mainlining a proper exercise schedule one can easily balance mind and body. which is the main trigger of sleep paralysis. By redevelop our childhood hobby and nuturing it sometime add significant mental relief and reduction of day-to-day workload stress associated with them.

However some cases of ISP and RISP involve a genetic factor - which means some people may find sleep paralysis unavoidable. Practicing meditation regularly might also be helpful in preventing fragmented sleep.

In addition to all the very important part is our Pineal Gland which is a part of our brain that controls sleep, aging and our state of mind. Modern lifestyle of 21st Century is a cause of intoxication and calcification of our Pineal Gland which is also popularly known as Third Eye. The Gland secretes Melatonin, a chemical that  regulates our sleeping pattern. As well as helping to regulate sleep, melatonin is also a strong antioxidant and helps to slow down the aging process. Meditation helps Pineal Gland to function well which may in turn reduce sleep paralysis syndromes.

However there is need to detoxify the Gland. Some guided processes are axailable. You can learn here > 
Pineal Gland: How To Detox The Part Of Your Brain That Controls Sleep, Aging And Your State Of Mind               


Meditation- relaxation (MR) 

This therapy is a published direct treatment for sleep paralysis. The therapy is based on four steps applied during sleep paralysis:

(1) reappraisal of the meaning of the attack (cognitive reappraisal); which entails closing one's eyes, avoid panicking and re-appraising the meaning of the attack as benign.

(2) psychological and emotional distancing (emotion regulation); the sleeper reminds him- or herself that catastrophizing the event (i.e., fear and worry) will worsen and possibly prolong it;

(3) inward focused-attention meditation; focusing attention inward on an emotionally salient positive object;

(4) muscle relaxation; relaxing one's muscles, avoid controlling breathing and avoid attempting to move. There are preliminary case reports supporting this treatment, although no randomized clinical trials yet to show its effectiveness 
(source - Wikipedia)

The Nightmare is a documentary film that discusses the causes of sleep paralysis as seen through extensive interviews with participants and the experiences are re-enacted by professional actors.   it proposes that such cultural memes as alien abduction, the near death experience and shadow people can, in many cases, be attributed to sleep paralysis. 

 The film is here   (duration 45:06 minutes)

Perhaps the ancients considered sleep paralysis as a nightmare. But such as Zenab who have experienced sleep paralysis it can be much more frightening than nightmare.   

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