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People with OCD tend to stay away from their normal lives. It is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder and characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and sometime ritualized, repetitive behaviors, they feel compelled to perform. Some patients recognize that obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational - but even so they feel unable to resist those thoughts and take corrective actions.
Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessions, compulsions or both. These symptoms can cause serious interface into all aspects of life that include work, study, interpersonal relationships.
Some common signs and symptoms that shape OCD are:
- Hesitation and agitation, includes constant irritating movements of hands and legs (picking of hair, biting of nails, shaking legs)
- Person may use a irritation movement as a coping mechanism on a daily basis
- Inability to focus, mind may be seen to be wondering
- Feeling isolated or helpless
- Performing compulsive rituals out of habit without a fail
- People with OCD are quite aware of the fact that they are letting their minds control their actions yet still feel the urge to continue what they are doing, this causes anxiety
- People with OCD tend to check thing repeatedly to make sure everything is correct
Common Obsessive Thoughts :
- Fear of Germs or contamination
- Unwanted, forbidden or taboo thoughts involving religion and harming themselves or others
- Intrusive sexually explicit violent thoughts or images
- Aggressive thoughts towards others or self
- Fear of losing or not having things that may be or may not be needed
- Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas or even towards a person
- Symmetry or having things in perfect order
Common Compulsive Behaviors :
- Excessive cleaning or washing of hands
- Repeatedly checking of loved ones
- Repetitive counting, checking, tapping, ordering and arranging things
- Accumulating junk such as newspaper, old cloths, empty containers etc.
OCD is not a personality issue
Most importantly Obsessive Compulsive Disorder should not be mistaken with personality issue. A person might be very careful and check things more thoroughly than most others. She/he may be perfectionist and has very high standards about certain things. Usually these tendencies do not cause great problems
With OCD it is very different - typically OCD starts gradually and can be minor irritation over the years, eventually getting to a point where symptoms can no longer be denied.
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What really underlies OCD ?
Confusing imagination with reality and being out of contact with reality are linked to OCD, a new study finds.
People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are known to dissociate themselves from reality.
Instead they rely heavily on their imagination.
A study based on survey on 75 people with OCD found that they experienced inferential confusion : essentially getting fantasy and reality mixed up.
Frederick Aardema, PhD of the University of Montreal, said in a press release
Theories about OCD stipulate that it is not the content of thought that is involved in the development of obsessions but the way these thoughts are interpreted by the person. While most people will dismiss an idea if they feel it has no meaning, people with OCD will say that if they think that way they must be a reason
Dr Aardema also said
It seems that people with OCD are so absorbed by their obsession due to inferential confusion that there is a break with reality.
Specifically, we found that individuals no longer rely on their sensory perceptions or common sense but on their imagination.
For example, they are afraid that their hands are contaminated with germs, so they wash them over and over again because they are convinced that their hands are dirty even though they are visibly clean
Ms Stella-Marie Paradisis, First author of the study, explained the nature of inferential confusion
First, inferential confusion is a reasoning process in which obsessive doubt takes hold.The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology on 7th April 2015
Individuals make subjective connections between different elements.
For example, the person believes that the water in a municipal swimming pool is contaminated because chlorine has been put into it, so inevitably there are bacteria in the water.
Second, schizo-typical personality is characterized by bizarre ideas, rigid belief, lack of discernment, and a tendency to over-rely on imagination.
For example, individuals are convinced that what they hear on the news or read in the newspaper concerns them personally and directly.
Finally, dissociation is characterized by loss of contact with reality and memory lapses in certain situations — a phenomenon that can be observed especially in people who display checking behavior.
Some people feel that they can behave so differently depending on the situation that they are two different people.
Risk Factors
OCD starts usually during childhood or in teenage. Most of the cases people are diagnosed by about age 19, typically with an earlier age of onset in boys than in girls, but onset after age 35 does happen. In the date chart shows Prevalence of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Among Adults and its occurrence.
The causes of OCD are unknown but following factors are considered as risks based on the various studies :
Research shows that OCD does run in families and that genes likelyplay a role in the development of the disorder. Genes appear to be only
partly responsible for causing the disorder though. No one really knows
what other factors might be involved, perhaps an illness or even ordinary
life stresses that may induce the activity of genes associated with the
symptoms of OCD.
Some experts think that OCD that begins in childhood may be different
from the OCD that begins in adults. For example, a recent review of twin
studies has shown that genes play a larger role when OCD starts in childhood (45-65%) compared to when it starts in adulthood (27-47%)
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Brain Structure and Functioning
Research and imaging studies suggest that OCD involves problems in communication between the front part of the brain and deeper structures.These brain structures use a chemical messenger called serotonin. Pictures of the brain at work also show that in some people, the brain circuits involved in OCD become more normal with either serotonin medicines or cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) .
People who have experienced abuse (physical or sexual) in childhood or other trauma are at an increased risk for developing OCD.
In some cases, children may develop OCD or OCD symptoms following a streptococcal infection—this is called Pediatric Autoimmune Neuro-psychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS).A child may be diagnosed with PANDAS when :
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and/or tic disorders suddenly appear following a strep infection (such as strep throat or scarlet fever); or
- The symptoms of OCD or tic symptoms suddenly become worse following a strep infection.
The symptoms are usually dramatic, happen “overnight and out of the blue,” and can include motor and/or vocal tics, obsessions, and/or compulsions. In addition to these symptoms, children may also become moody or irritable, experience anxiety attacks, or show concerns about separating from parents or loved ones.
Common Obstacles to effective treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Studies find that it takes an average 14 to 17 years from the time OCD begins for people to obtain appropriate treatment.
- Some people choose to hide their symptoms, often in fear of embarrassment or stigma. Therefore, many people with OCD do not seek the help of a mental health professional until many years after the onset of symptoms.
- Until recently, there was less public awareness of OCD , so many people were unaware that their symptoms represented an illness that could be treated.
- Lack of proper training by some health professionals often leads to the wrong diagnosis. Some patients with OCD symptoms will see several doctors and spend several years in treatment before receiving a correct diagnosis.
- Difficulty finding local therapists who can effectively treat OCD.
- Not being able to afford proper treatment.
OCD is typically treated with medication, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. However this topic about Self-Help, I am therefore not elaborating further on this.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Self-Help
Obsessions and compulsions can take the life of the persons with it and leave them feeling helpless. No matter how overwhelming the problems are, there are many ways , they can help themselves. Of-course family members, peers and friends have a greater part to overcome the stress, anxiety and other related problems of OCD.
Helping someone with OCD
The way we react to a person with OCD symptoms have a big impact on their outlook and recovery. Normally we see them in a way that the patient is doing or making mistakes willingly. This is not the case. Negative comments , criticism and hatred can make OCD worse, while a calm, supportive environment can help to improve the outcome of the treatment.![]() |
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- Most importantly they need help - OCD behaviors are symptoms not character flaws so avoid criticism
- As per the characteristics of the OCD behaviors, it is absolutely not possible for someone with OCD to comply with normal behavior. They tend to the rituals by their symptomatic instinct. In this case scolding them makes the OCD worse. Sympathetic approach is the best way forward.
- Be as kind and patient as possible - They need to overcome problems at their own pace. Praising their effort to overcome OCD and giving importance to their positive aspects of their life make them comfortable. Anxiety and hopelessness are normal and adaptive in nature. Therefore, dealing with those, never involves eliminating it rather managing it.
- Do not play with the sufferer's rituals - Helping with rituals will only reinforce the behavior. Support the person not the rituals.
- Communication is important. Keep communication clear, positive and balance between supporting and standing up to the OCD symptoms, not further distressing the life of the sufferer.
- Find the humor - laughing together over the funny things and absurdity of some OCD symptoms can help them deal and detach themselves from the disorder. It is very very important that the sufferer feels respected and in on the joke.
- Don't let OCD take over our family life - sit down as a family and decide how we can work together to tackle our loved one's symptoms. We must try to keep family life as normal as possible and the home a low-stress environment.
Programming Self-Help to overcome disorders
Yes it is very difficult for a suffer to take part in Self-assessment and does the corrective actions on their own. Family members and friends need to take significant role to draw the plan and make them implemented carefully into the life of the person with OCD.
Learning how to eliminate OCD rituals
It might seem smart to avoid the situations that trigger obsessive thoughts, but more the sufferer avoids them, the scarier they feel. Instead expose them to their OCD triggers, then try to resist or delay the urge to complete their relief-seeking compulsive rituals. If the resistance gets to be too hard, try to reduce the amount of time spend on their ritual. The calculated exposures to the triggers always reduce anxiety and make us less vulnerable each time. Fundamentally in course of time those triggers loose their impact in their outlook.
Anticipate OCD urges
If we study pattern and timing of the OCD urges, we can easily find something and timing that trigger compulsions. Make a note and try to change the pattern so that they make less or cannot impact the behavior. At the same time create a solid mental picture then make a mental note that those are just a obsessive thoughts.
Challenge obsessive thoughts
Almost all of us face troubling thoughts and worries time to time. But obsessive compulsive disorder causes the brain stuck on a particular anxiety-proving thought, causing it play over and over in the sufferer's mind. To overcome the situation Journaling is the best way forward.
Keep writing whatever comes into the mind, aiming to write in details even if the same words, phrases or the same urges come over and over.
- Writing will help to see how the repetitive the obsessions are.
- Writing down same words, phrases and thoughts hundreds of times will help to lose its power.
- Writing thoughts down is much harder work than simply thinking, so it is likely, the obsessive thoughts are disappear sooner than expected.
Create an OCD worry period
It is always helpful to be appreciative rather than suppressive. OCD thoughts cannot be ignored, instead when a sufferer accommodates the thoughts in a particular time to think about the urges, the subconscious mind comes into play.
Fix one or two time frame say for 10 to 15 minutes when the sufferers can think about their worries, anxieties. Family members should help them in the process. Speak out, think on the urges. At the end of the period take some long breaths and deliberately engage to other things. If this process work for 3 weeks it will be automatic and mind will train itself to the time-limit for worrying and subsequently other works gradually become urge free and normal.
Take Help of Quantum Sound
I am a big fan of this technique. We consciously or unconsciously react to the sounds that enter into our ears. Think of a sound you are now hearing, it may be soothing, blissful, noisy, irritable, we may want to ignore or to hear more consciously. Every sound wave is responsible for some degrees of reaction.
Find one or two sounds may be a mantra which gives blissful reaction to the sufferer of OCD, play it in low volume so that the sufferer need extra effort to hear consciously. Do this for few times every day. The early morning hours and before taking bed at the night are very good for raising our vibrational frequency and elevate our emotional well-being.
The Om Mantra I have chosen here. You can choose on your own whatever you think if that is helpful and blissful.
Lifestyle Modification
A healthy and balanced lifestyle plays a big role to counter anxiety and other related disorders.
Make sure that we exercise regularly
It is common for all of us.Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment that helps to control OCD Symptoms by refocusing our mind. For maximum benefit try some guided aerobic exercise for about 20 minutes. When we pay mindful attention to the exercise process and our breathing pattern, our body and mind get significant relaxation.
Get enough sleep
Anxiety and worry are the primary cause of insomnia. Think opposite, adequate sleep prevents anxiety and worry, When we maintain our sleep well, it's much easier to keep our emotion balanced. a key factor in coping with anxiety disorders such as OCD.Avoid alcohol and nicotine
These may give some temporary relief but it is proven clinically that alcohol and nicotine aggravate OCD symptoms.Reach out for Support
OCD can get worse when the sufferer feel sidelined and stay alone. It's important to build a support system More connected the sufferers, the less vulnerable they'll feel. There are support groups available for people with OCD. They can be approached for any help and guidance.
These are some links that provide helps
How can I help myself?
What to Do During Obsessing and Stopping Your Compulsions – Offers self-help skills you can practice on your own and use to combat obsessions and compulsions. (Anxieties.com)
Family, Friends and Carers – Information on how to take care of yourself while helping a loved one with obsessive-compulsive disorder. (OCD UK)
Help for Partners and Families – Advice on how to support a loved one with obsessive-compulsive disorder. (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Symptoms, Treatment, and Self-Help
Find a Support Group – A searchable database of OCD support groups. (International OCD Foundation)
Baul Mon - A Center for Human mind with facility for indoor treatment of Psychiatric Patients and Addicts
mon KE niye - A Center that offers treatment without medicine.
Take it easy. Don't allow OCD to rule a life. With little care OCD can be controlled and eliminated. Get well soon.
Managing your energy can do wonders for addressing OCD or any disorder Partha. A self help program may be incredibly beneficial. I dig meditation, deep yin yoga, exercise, and making my day about serving folks and having fun teaching people about blogging and making new friends too.
ReplyDeleteBeing caught up in service and enjoying the ride moves me more towards love and kindness and less toward fear and self-centered-ness.
Fab post!
Thank you very much Ryan